L.A.’s Metro holds Accessibility Days quite often for their bus operators in various regions. These events are to educate bus operators about riders with disabilities, be it physical, visual, hearing, or other disabilities. On May 31, as the Vice-Chair of Metro’s Accessibility Advisory Committee and President of Project AIR, I got the opportunity to have a table there to share the pamphlet we created especially for Metro, “Where Is Your Stop: A Communication Guide for Transit Drivers and Riders with Speech Impairments”. Bus operators came in to browse during their varying lunch hours, interacting with each table which focused on a different type of disability. All bus operators were very nice and engaging; one said he recognized me as a past passenger on his route. A female bus operator who I met before I set up my table made my day by informing me that she makes passengers with disabilities a priority, not allowing anyone else to occupy the space that is meant for them. I thanked her graciously!